Fitting Easycarpeter Carpet Tiles-Preparatory Work

Fitting Easycarpeter Carpet Tiles-Preparatory Work

Acclimatisation of tiles should take place in conditions as close as possible to those of the building when occupied. Therefore the tiles should be unpacked at least 24 hours prior to installation and allowed to acclimatise at room temperature. The tiles should be installed at a minimum room temperature of 15 ºC with a maximum relative humidity of 75%. A floor temperature of at least 10 ºC should be maintained. If it is not possible to unpack the tiles fully, open the carton sides to allow air circulation and stack them to a maximum of 8 to 10 boxes high. 

Fitting Easycarpeter Carpet Tiles

The carpet must acclimatise for at least 48 hours in the environment where it will be installed. In this area, the temperature must be between 15°C and 30°C, and the relative humidity must be between 30% and 65%. These conditions must also be maintained for at least 48 hours after installation. Only after this time period is it possible to begin using the carpet.

Easycarpeter Carpet Tiles

During the installation of Easycarpeter project carpet, a working temperature of at least 15°C is also necessary. The carpet tiles should be installed with a well-binding tackifier as directed by the relevant supplier. (Ideally carpet tiles should be acclimatised at the temperature and relative humidity at which the carpet will be used.) 

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