Easycarpeter Carpet Tiles Project XTEP Headquarters In Philippines

Easycarpeter Carpet Tiles Project XTEP Headquarters In Philippines

The colorful and playful combination of Easycarpeter LAGOM133 brightens the calm and fresh neutral shades of beige and gray. To add a more refined pattern, all private rooms and meeting nooks are tiled in the Natural Color Collection to provide a natural feel, matching the wood finishes of tables, ceilings and gathering points.

Carpet Tiles ProjectEasycarpeter Carpet Tiles Project

The carpet surface of the carpet tile is soft fluff, with a high coefficient of friction. If you walk on the carpet tile, it will never slip easily, because the carpet tile is not slippery; Elasticity reduces the severity of injuries caused by falls, is very suitable for the elderly or children, and can play a role in safety protection.

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