Commercial Carpet Tile For General Maintenance

Commercial Carpet Tile For General Maintenance

For general maintenance Commercial Carpet Tile, cleaning frequency depends on space use, density and size of floorplan. Please speak to your professional cleaning company to determine a cleaning schedule most appropriate for your specific needs.

Easycarpeter Carpet Tile

Please note, Easycarpeter has not conducted exhaustive product testing on these EPA approved cleaners. Still, we believe the hydrogen peroxide or quaternary-based products on that list to be better suited to our flooring, and these cleaners should only be used in accordance with our standard maintenance procedures as detailed in our Carpet Maintenance Guide.We cannot provide official product endorsements and note that our warranty and maintenance instructions do not endorse the use of specific cleaning agents. We do not know how the use of these products will affect the appearance of the flooring, and we disclaim all liability in connection with the use of these cleaners on our flooring products.

Easycarpeter Carpet

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