Carpet Tiles Can Reduce The Pressure On The Ground Environment Of The Hospital

Carpet Tiles Can Reduce The Pressure On The Ground Environment Of The Hospital

Researchers have found that the choice of floor materials can affect or change the pressure on medical staff, patients, and service providers. Dr. Debra D. Harris conducted a study titled "The Influence of Floor Materials on Environmental Pressure-A Comparative Study of Three Floor Materials in a Health Care Environment."

This study was conducted in an older hospital and tested three floor materials in the corridors of the patient's ward: terrazzo, rubber, and carpet tiles over a 42-week period. The healthcare system also participated in this research because it is preparing to build a new hospital and intends to use the research data as a reference for the ground materials for its new facility.

Environmental stress factors in medical facilities include: ergonomic factors and human health factors. The study examined the influence of different surface materials on the sound level in the corridor. This research involves the perceptions and preferences of medical staff, as well as the patient's experience, because this is related to the frequency of quietness in the area surrounding the patient's room.

The final research results show that carpet tiles perform better in reducing sound levels by absorbing, reducing noise levels, reducing the impact of noise on the work of medical staff and patients, and improving the privacy of speech. Carpet tiles also have a positive impact on air quality, reducing the discomfort of reflected glare, increasing the comfort of the soles of the feet, and improving the comfort and beauty of the environment, with a wider range of personalized design options. Therefore, it is recommended that the medical system can choose carpet tiles as the first choice for floor materials.

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